Liquidity for angel investors and management
Silverpeak used its strong relationships to run a dual-track process with both strategic and financial counterparties
About our client
Ticketer provides a ticketing, payment and cloud management integrated system for over 60% of public buses in the UK outside London, processing more than £100m of fares per month.
In just eight years, with a new technology approach, the company became market leader in a market that was 100% penetrated and dominated by large incumbents.
Why they chose us
Thanks to a longstanding relationship, Silverpeak were appointed to explore the liquidity options available to the existing shareholders.
Silverpeak was able to run a dual-track process (M&A and financing) including both strategic and financial counterparties due to its strong relationships with both types of counterparty.
How we added value
Ticketer’s value was maximised by a carefully presented strategy and business plan that teased out the potential of the business in connection with future mobility and public transit solutions.
Strategic interest was demonstrated by financial investors, as well as automotive players, ride sharing platforms, mobility app and automotive players, amongst others.
The successful outcome
Successful transaction with a committed financial investor to give full liquidity to the angel investors, and an optimal combination of liquidity and ongoing holding for management.
Transaction Summary
Deal Type
