Jan 24 | Sector insight: Certain SaaS companies are still attracting strong investor and buyer attention
Q3 2023 | The state of the market for Series B & C rounds in European tech companies
Q3 2023 | Software Benchmark Report: UK software valuations on the up
H1 2023 | The state of the market for Series B & C rounds in European tech companies
H1 2023 | M&A activity report: Market recovery driven by mega deals
Q2 2023 | Software Benchmark report: Europe joins US in software recovery
Q1 2023 | Software Benchmark report: US is showing the first signs of recovery
Apr 23 | Sector insight: A renewed focus on defence and security is opening up new growth opportunities for spacetech companies
Q4 2022 I The state of the market for series B&C rounds in European tech companies
Q4 2022 | Software Benchmark report: Further stabilisation and the first signs of growth
Q3 2022 | The state of the market for series B&C rounds in European tech companies